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3 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged 2021-22

Ever since the pandemic managers have been trying to figure out how they can keep their employees engaged throughout the year, regardless of whether they’re working remotely or not.

If you aren’t completely sure how to revitalize your team and keep them engaged, there’s no need to worry – that’s what we’re here for! Read on to figure out the steps you can take to become not only a better manager but also boost employee morale as a whole.

Why Is Employee Engagement So Important?

When your employees aren’t completely engaged it’s going to have an impact on your rate of production, and more employees are quitting their jobs now than seemingly ever before. As a result, you must provide employees with an environment they can truly thrive in.

What is “Employee Engagement?”

Sometimes referred to as “employee satisfaction”, it’s a way to determine how happy your employees are while working. When an individual feels underappreciated or scrutinized, they may begin to “check out” and engage with their work at a lower rate.

Employee engagement and retention go hand in hand because employers that provide an engaging setting for their staff will always have a good reputation to go alongside it. This means recruiting for talent and retaining your current employees will be much simpler, since they’re already happy (and engaged) with their current situation!

Keeping Employees Engaged: A Manager’s To-Do List

Now that we’ve gone through what employee engagement is and its importance, let’s take a look at three different ways you can ensure that your employees will remain engaged throughout the year!

Make Work “Fun Again”!

There’s a reason why so many corporations implement the likes of “Casual Friday” and other fun events, and that’s because it’s an easy way to keep worker morale high. When they know that there are ways to blow off some steam and have fun at work, they’ll be more willing to put their best foot forward while they’re on the clock.

Implement a Reward System

Implementing a reward system is an effective way to keep your employees engaged, as they’ll always keep their eyes on that potential prize. You don’t want to go crazy with the prizes (unless money isn’t an issue!), but make them enticing enough to warrant working a little harder. Not only will you be rewarding the best employees, but the entire team will remain engaged while keeping track of their points/rewards.

Offer More Flexibility

Flexibility is one of the most important things you can have as an employee because, at the end of the day, you’re trading time for money. You have to respect employees and give them a chance to work with a flexible schedule, as that will allow them to enjoy other things in life or work on side projects. When this happens, they’ll show an appreciation for you by remaining engaged at work and wanting to learn more.

How Will I Know If It Worked: Measuring Engagement

You can use the likes of one-on-one interviews and even surveys to figure out if you’ve accomplished your engagement goals. One of the most useful things other managers have used in the past would be the well-known “Exit Interview”.

Whether someone is moving on to a role with a different company or has been let go, use the Exit Interview to identify whether you’ve truly kept that employee engaged during their tenure.

Start Your Work Year Off Right

The new year is on the horizon, and it’s only a matter of time before we turn back the clock to begin things anew. If you want to get more out of your team and keep them engaged, keep these three tips in mind and I’m sure they’ll pay off eventually.

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