If you enabled the COVID screening feature on the website, employees can now complete the same form on the app. This saves them from bookmarking the URL and adds a geocode location to where it was done. Read more here.
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Facial Recognition Added To The App
We have launched an update to our app that adds facial recognition. Take a look at our HOW TO ARTICLE here.
How can I confirm my app is connected?
There are a few ways to confirm your app is connected to the internet and our server. The first is on the main screen: The icon at the bottom right is green Your logo is loaded The other way is to check your list of employees is loaded. Go to the settings (press the i...
COVID Message On App
by Mike | May 20, 2020 | App, New Features
We’ve launched the COVID alert on the iOS and Android platform. NO update is needed, just setup the message. Read more here.
iOS App updated and Now available in the App Store
by Mike | Oct 1, 2018 | App, How To, New Features
Great news, the app is back up and running. Follow the steps here - https://support.timewellscheduled.com/article/how-to-install-the-tws-app/