We’ve updated our employee directory report to allow you to pick off various new columns so you can customize the report as you need it.Read more here.
Show your employees their banked hours on the dashboard
by Diego | Jun 19, 2023 | Employees
If you’re using the HR Module with banked hours, you can now enable a widget for your employees to see their banked hours totals. Read more here.
Employee History & How can I track the number of sick days an employee has taken?
by Diego | Aug 18, 2022 | Employees
You may be asking yourself “Is there a way to run a report to see how often a staff member has left early "sick" or other?”or“I know a staff member has left early multiple times in the last month, how can I see this easily?” The employee history report is the tool for...
How to make SICK DAY – PAID export in payroll
by Diego | May 31, 2021 | Absences, Employees, Payroll
If you want SICK DAY - PAID to be exported in payroll, follow these steps.
Push Notifications to the Employee App
by Diego | Apr 30, 2021 | Employees, TWS – News
The latest version of the employee app now includes push notifications from the TimeWellScheduled system.Read more here.
My employees are not receiving emails
by Diego | Apr 30, 2021 | Employees
With the launch of the employee app, some employees are choosing to only receive alerts in the app. To check, follow these steps.
My employee says they can’t clock in ON THE APP – what happened?
by Diego | Apr 30, 2021 | Employees, TWS – News
We enhanced the WHO'S WORKING audit trail (as discussed here) to include APP punches. If you're using the app you can now see what your employees see.
I have specific employees who are paid OT at a different hour total, how can I set that up?
by Diego | Apr 26, 2021 | Employees, TWS – News
If you have specific employees who need to be paid OT differently than your company (ex. you pay OT after 88hrs every 2 weeks but have a employees who are paid when they reach 44hrs weekly), you can set them up by following these steps.
I have specific employees who work on weekends and must be paid OT, how can I set that up?
by Diego | Apr 26, 2021 | Employees, TWS – News
If you have specific employees who need to be paid OT on specific days, you can set them up by following these steps.
My employee says they can’t clock in – what happened?
by Diego | Apr 12, 2021 | Blog, Employees
You may have employees telling you they can't clock in. "The site said I couldn't punch" "It just wouldn't let me in" In many cases, the employee isn't reading the message and reporting it back to you properly. We've now added a report that shows the exact sequence of...
COVID screening added to Employee App
by Diego | Mar 17, 2021 | App, Employees, How To, TWS – News
If you enabled the COVID screening feature on the website, employees can now complete the same form on the app. This saves them from bookmarking the URL and adds a geocode location to where it was done. Read more here.
Can I sync my schedule with Google or Apple Calendar?
by Diego | Mar 2, 2021 | Employees, How To, TWS – News
You can sync your TimeWellScheduled schedule with an external calendar software or tool that relies on iCal such as Outlook, Google or Apple Calendar To import your calendar into a third-party app, first go to VIEW MY SCHEDULE and click the CALENDAR SYNC button to...
Taking Care of Your Employees’ Mental Health
by Diego | Dec 8, 2020 | Employees
11 Ways to Improve Mental Health at Your Small Business(Pandemic or No Pandemic)Mental health issues in the workplace have certainly been exacerbated by the global pandemic, but they most certainly existed before the pandemic hit. In fact, pre-COVID statistics show...
Motivating Your Small Business Employees
by Diego | Oct 29, 2020 | Employees
8 Ways to Motivate Your Small Business EmployeesMotivating employees, getting them to work for your business as if it were their own, is an inherently difficult task, but an extremely important one. Replacing employees can be very expensive, and the impact of losing...
Enable early block PER EMPLOYEE
by Diego | Aug 21, 2020 | Employees, Helpful Hints, How To
If you want to block an employee from punching in early (vs the whole store) you can now do it. This prevents someone scheduled from punching in until their scheduled start minus the grace period. Read more here.
How can I see the total hours accumulated by employee?
by Mike | Jan 24, 2020 | Employees, New Features
You can run the "Accumulated hours by employee" report in Time Card & Payroll. Read about it here.
Mark a Sick Day on Dashboard
by Mike | Oct 31, 2019 | Absences, Employees, New Features
We've added the ability to mark an employee sick right from the dashboard.
Blocking Employees from deleting their email
by Mike | Oct 1, 2019 | Employees
We've added a new security group that will allow you to stop employees from deleting their email address in the ABOUT ME page. Go to MANAGE MY BUSINESS, MANAGE SECURITY groups and uncheck this option:
Grouping By Employees
by Mike | May 24, 2011 | Employees, Scheduling
Yesterday we launched 'Grouping By Employees' for scheduling. This feature allows you to create a group picking specific employees that will show up in the scheduling 'Department' list. This is useful if you want to schedule all department managers on one screen. To...