Documentation API TimeWellScheduled 

API – L’API TimeWellScheduled ne s’appuie pas sur différentes méthodes de requête HTTP (GET/PUT/INSERT/DELETE). Au lieu de cela, nous utilisons uniquement les requêtes GET HTTP sur HTTP et transmettons simplement la méthode souhaitée ainsi que les variables de la requête elle-même dans une URL standard bien formatée.

Cela présente de nombreux avantages lorsque vous travaillez avec notre API :

  • Il n’est pas nécessaire de basculer entre les différents modes de requête HTTP dans votre application
  • Vous pouvez convertir vos données directement en texte au format URL dans la langue que vous utilisez
  • Notre « méthodes » pour les noms est un peu plus intuitives


We handle all registrations internally. To get started please provide us with:

  • Application Description – How you plan on using our API.
  • Compliance with our Terms – Acknowledgement that you have read and agree to our API.
  • E-Mail – Send this information to us via e-mail at: [email protected]

Upon receiving this information, we will setup an Application ID for you that can be used in the development of your application. 


TimeWellScheduled uses bCrypt to store all passwords and provides you with employee passwords in this encrypted format. Your application will need to verify passwords with these bCrypt hashes, meaning you will need to bCrypt-hash these on the client-side. To get comparable results, you will need the bCrypt Salt which is unique to each company; we will pass you this information when your application authenticates for the first time.

For more information about bCrypt, and links to the various implementations (including Objective-C, PHP, Python, Perl, .NET, Ruby, and even JavaScript!), please visit:

The staff at TimeWellScheduled strongly believe in the power of bCrypt, and our clients trust in our choice of using this algorithm to prevent reverse-engineering of hashes, and prevent man-in-the-middle attacks of clear-text passwords being transmitted across the network. If bCrypt implementation proves to be difficult, we’re more than happy to help


All requests must be packaged as an encoded URL String and appended to the API URL in a well-formed GET HTTPS Request Method.

The API URL is located at

All requests require mandatory parameters:

  • Application ID [appid] – provided by us
  • Company ID [c] – your unique company
  • Module [module] – the module being called


Upon your application sending a properly-formed request, the server will return an XML. An example:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message>

File Attachment

Used for the following modules: begin, end, break or meal. This in an optional parameter used to send a photo when the employee is punching in. The file must be uploaded to our S3 repository (ask for details) and the filename needs to be sent as a parameter. The request should look like below (explained below for each action as well):

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee code}&p={password}&Year
=2018&Month=6&Day=10& Hour=12&Minute=0&Second=2&file=

Geo Location

Used for the following modules: begin, end, break or meal. This in an optional parameter used to send the latitude and longitude at the time of the punch. The request should look like below (explained below for each action as well):

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee 
Hour=12&Minute=0&Second=2 &lat=43.697772&lng=-115.685849

Access Restrictions

Used for the following modules: begin, end, break or meal. All punch actions can be locked by an IP address or cookie. Cookie support is only used with a browser. If the company is setup to use IP and the calling location is not a registered IP, you will receive the following response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
     Failure to authenticate. Password to access the application is incorrect Or IP is not Valid -

In some cases, the calling location can not be from a registered IP – an example would be a mobile user. In this case, the password of an administrator needs to be passed into the query. This allows the system to authenticate the mobile user is valid.

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee code}&p=
{passowrd}&Year=2018&Month=6&Day=10& Hour=12&Minute=0&Second=
2&pws={password of an administrator}


SSO (Single Sign On) allows your users to connect directly to our system without having to log in again. The URL to connect to will be based on your client’s data center (ie. CA, US, etc) – please contact us to confirm. As an example, you may have: You must pass in the following attributes

  • appID – provided to you by us
  • c – unique company ID for each client site
  • userEmail – the email of the user
  • Year – Current year
  • Month – Current month
  • Day – Current day
  • Hour – Current hour
  • Minute – Current minute
  • Hash (MD5 of ‘CompanyID + userEmail + APIkey + year + month + day + hour + minute’)

A complete request will look like this:{App ID}&c={Company ID}&userEmail={email}&Hash={Hash}


Retrieve a count of employees working for each hour of the day.



Parameters Notes Returns
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2020-01-01)
  • web
  • Web allways equals 1.
  • A list employee counts for published schedules by department

Example request:


Example response:

            "department": "Cash",
            "employee": 10
            "department": "Customer Service",
            "employee": 3
            "department": "Cash",
            "employee": 20
            "department": "Customer Service",
            "employee": 10
           "department": "Hardware",
           "employee": 5
           "department": "Cash",
           "employee": 20
           "department": "Customer Service",
           "employee": 10
           "department": "Hardware",
           "employee": 5



To retrieve your company´s information.  

Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • Employee list shows only those employees authorized to have shifts and perform punches; begin, end, break and meal.
  • Company name
  • Logo URL (provided ahead of time)
  • List of employees (data such as name, employee code, etc).
  • bCrypt Salt Hash which is necessary to build passwords.

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=verify

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
		<name>Bob Robertson</name>
		<name>Jane Johnson</name>
		<name>Bill Smith</name>
	<branding logo="https://url_to_logo/MainLogo.png">Your Company Here</branding>


To record an employee’s beginning of shift.
Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: employee code
  • p: employee´s encrypted password
  • Year: valid year in YYYY format
  • Month: valid month [1-12] in MM format
  • Day: valid day [1-30;31] in DD format
  • Hour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format
  • Minute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format
  • Second: valid second [0-59] in SS format


  • file: filename of the photo (text)
  • lat: latitude (long)
  • lng: longitude (long)
  • ip: client IP (text)
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not.

Example request:

/?appid={App ID }&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee code}&p=

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
	<message>Your action has been recorded successfully. You have 12 unread message(s) in your Inbox.</message>


To record an employee´s end of shift.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: employee code
  • p: employee´s encrypted password
  • Year: valid year in YYYY format
  • Month: valid month [1-12] in MM format
  • Day: valid day [1-30;31] in DD format
  • Hour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format
  • Minute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format
  • Second: valid second [0-59] in SS format


  • file: filename of the photo (text)
  • lat: latitude (long)
  • lng: longitude (long)
  • ip: client IP (text)
  • Assumes the employee has started a shift and is not currently on a break nor a meal.
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not.

Example request: when is too early to leave.

/?appid={App ID }&c={Company ID}&module=end&u={employee code}&p=

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
	<message>It is too early for you to EXIT</message>
		<message>Select a reason.</message>
			<reason ID="2233">Accident de route</reason>
			<reason ID="153">Car problems</reason>
			<reason ID="157">Computer issues</reason>
			<reason ID="1482">Default reason code</reason>
			<reason ID="159">Finished early</reason>
			<reason ID="154">Not feeling well</reason>
			<reason ID="156">Other (Please explain)</reason>
			<reason ID="1983">Personal emergency</reason>
			<reason ID="2231">Rendez-vous chez le medecin</reason>
			<reason ID="158">Traffic</reason>

Since the request was not successful and a watchdog event was triggered. We need to send the same request again with the extra parameter REASON ID enclosed in the tag. Example request:

/?appid={App ID }&c={Company ID}&module=end&u={employee code}&p=
{password}&Year=2018&Month=4&Day=22&Hour=19&Minute=05&Second=25&reason={reason ID}

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
	<message>Your action has been recorded successfully.</message>


Records beginning or end of an employee´s break.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: employee code
  • p: employee´s encrypted password
  • Year: valid year in YYYY format
  • Month: valid month [1-12] in MM format
  • Day: valid day [1-30;31] in DD format
  • Hour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format
  • Minute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format
  • Second: valid second [0-59] in SS format


  • file: filename of the photo (text)
  • lat: latitude (long)
  • lng: longitude (long)
  • ip: Client IP (text)
  • Assumes the employee has started a shift, is not currently on a meal and the shift hasn´t ended.
  • If the employee has already recorded a “begin break”, then an “end break” will be recorded.
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not.

Example request: Break (begin) when going out for a break.

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=break&u={employee code}&p={password}&Year=2018&Month=4&Day=22&Hour=18&Minute=15&Second=09

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <message>Have a great break. You need to be back in 15 minutes. That means punch back by 18:30 PM</message> 

The response was successful.   Example request: Break (end) when getting back late from a break.

/?appid={App  ID}&c={Company ID}&module=break&u={employee code}&p={employee code}&Year=2018&Month=4&Day=22&Hour=18&Minute=58&Second=09

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <message>You are 15 minutes late</message> 
    <message>Select a reason.</message> 
      <reason ID="2233">Accident de route</reason> 
      <reason ID="153">Car problems</reason> 
      <reason ID="157">Computer issues</reason> 
      <reason ID="1482">Default reason code</reason> 
      <reason ID="159">Finished early</reason> 
      <reason ID="154">Not feeling well</reason> 
      <reason ID="156">Other (Please explain)</reason> 
      <reason ID="1983">Personal emergency</reason> 
      <reason ID="2231">Rendez-vous chez le medecin</reason> 
      <reason ID="158">Traffic</reason> 
      <reason ID="155">Weather</reason> 

Since the request was not successful and a watchdog event was triggered. We need to send the same request again with the extra parameter REASON ID enclosed in the <watchdog> tag.  Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=break&u={employee code}&p={password}&Year=2018&Month=4&Day=22&Hour=18&Minute=58&Second=09&reason={reason ID}

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> <response> <success>1</success> <ontime>1</ontime> <message>Your action has been recorded successfully.</message> </response>


Records beginning or ending of employee´s meal.  

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: employee code
  • p: employee´s encrypted password
  • Year: valid year in YYYY format
  • Month: valid month [1-12] in MM format
  • Day: valid day [1-30;31] in DD format
  • Hour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format
  • Minute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format
  • Second: valid second [0-59] in SS format


  • file: filename of the photo (text)
  • lat: latitude (long)
  • lng: longitude (long)
  • ip: client IP (text)
  • Assumes the employee has started a shift, is not currently on a break  and the shift hasn´t ended.
  • If the employee has already recorded a “begin meal”, then an “end meal” will be recorded.
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was success or not.

  Example request: When the shift length doesn´t allow to take Meals.

/?appid={App  ID}&c={Company  ID}&module=meal&u={employee code}&p=

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
	<message>This action cannot be done. Your schedule does not allow any MEALS</message>


Retrieve a list of active schedules for the given employee in a period of time.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • endDate: End of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • Only published schedules will be returned
  • A list of schedules and details on each

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=schedule_list&u=
{employee code}&StartDate=2018-06-01&EndDate=2018-06-30

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
    <schedule date="2016-6-1">
      <time>7:00 AM-2:00 PM</time>
      <type>Regular Hours</type>
      <roleBelong>Cash Balancing</roleBelong>
    <schedule date="2016-6-2">
      <time>7:00 AM-2:00 PM</time>
      <type>Regular Hours</type>
      <roleBelong>Cash Balancing</roleBelong>


Retrieve a list of all active roles in the company.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • A list of roles and details of each

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=role_list


<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<role roleID="15">
  <roleName>Business Owner</roleName>
<role roleID="2">
  <roleName>Store Manager</roleName>


Retrieve a list of all active status in the company.  

Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • A list of status and details of each

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=status_list


<?xml version=”1.0”?>
		<status statusID="73">
		<status statusID="78">
			<statusName>Leave Of Absence</statusName>
		<status statusID="75">
			<statusName>Long Term Disability</statusName>
		<status statusID="76">
			<statusName>Maternity Leave</statusName>
		<status statusID="1301">
		<status statusID="77">
			<statusName>Short Term Disability</statusName>
		<status statusID="1277">


Retrieve a list of all active departments in the company.  

Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • A list of departments and details of each

Example request:


Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
    <department departmentID="2002">
    <department departmentID="1">
      <departmentName>Automotive Parts</departmentName>


Retrieve a list of all active employees in the company.  

Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • Returns all employees including those who will not perform punch actions.
  • A list of employees and details of each

  Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=employee_list

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
      <internalStatusName>No longer employed</internalStatusName>
      <street>119 Moore Avenue</street>
      <postalCode>N5H 2Z8</postalCode>
      <internalStatusName>No longer employed</internalStatusName>
      <street>49300 Lyons Line, RR #2</street>
      <postalCode>N0L 2J0</postalCode>
      <terminationDate>2015-08-28 5:37:49 PM</terminationDate>


Retrieve the details for the given employee.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • Details of the employee

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=employee_details&u={employee code}

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
    <street>270 Caverly Road</street>
    <postalCode>N5H 2V3</postalCode>


Update information for the given employee.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve 
  • eName: Name to be used. In text format
  • eLastName: Last Name to be used. In text format
  • eEmail: Valid e-mail address to be used. In text format
  • roleID: ID referring the role
  • If the role does not exist, it will be created at the lowest level
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=employee_update&u={employee code}&eRoleName=ManagerTest
<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
    <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 


Modify the status for the given employee.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • statusID: ID referring the status.
  • If the role does not exist, it will be created at the lowest level
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was success or notExample request:

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=employee_status_change&u={employee code}&statusID={status ID}

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
    <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 


Retrieve a list of unread messages for the given employee.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=message_list&u={employee code}

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
    <ontime>1</ontime> <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 


Mark a message as read.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • MessageID: Message ID to mark as read
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=messages_mark_read&MessageID={message ID}

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
    <ontime>1</ontime> <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 


To get a list of all payroll details for a given period of time.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • endDate: End of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • Details will be granted according to the configuration for this company.
  • A list of payrolls and details on each.

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=payroll_list&StartDate=2018-04-08&EndDate=2018-04-14

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
      <period>April 8, 2018-April 14, 2018</period> 
      <employeeData> <employeeName>Anne robinson</employeeName> 
      <primaryDepartment>Automotive Service</primaryDepartment> 
      </employeeData> <employeeData> 
      <employeeName>Sam Smith</employeeName> 


To get a list of all payroll details for a given period of time.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • endDate: End of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • A list of absences and details on each

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=absence_list&startDate=2018-4-5&endDate=2018-4-15

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <absence absenceID="738815"> 
    <employeeName>Chester field</employeeName> 
    <requestDateTime>2018-04-04 11:06:11 AM</requestDateTime> 
    <requestTo>2018-04-12 11:59:59 PM</requestTo> 
    <requestType>Family Emergency</requestType> 
    <comment>Test please ignore</comment> 
  <absence absenceID="738816"> 
    <employeeName>Christian P</employeeName> 
    <requestDateTime>2018-04-04 11:07:15 AM</requestDateTime> 
    <requestTo>2018-04-12 11:59:59 PM</requestTo> 
    <requestType>Family Emergency</requestType> 
    <comment>Commets go here.</comment> 


Retrieve a list of absence types in the company.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • A list of absence types and the details of each

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=absence_request_type_list

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="71"> 
    <name>Family Emergency</name> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="72"> 
    <name>Medical Appointment</name> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="73"> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="1294"> 
    <name>Short Term Disability</name> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="69"> 
    <name>Sick Day</name> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="70"> 
    <name>Vacation Day</name> 

absence_insert To insert an absence for a given employee in a given date/time. NotesReturns

  • A list of absence types and the details of each
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve 
  • absenceRequestTypeID: ID referring the absence type
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • sHour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format, the absence starts
  • sMinute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format, the absence starts
  • eHour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format, the absence ends
  • eMinute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format, the absence ends
  • Days: amount of days this absence should be repeated [1-21]

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=absence_insert&u={employee code}&absenceRequestTypeID=72&StartDate=2018-4-20&sHour=9&sMinute=0&eHour=16&eMinute=45&days=3

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 
     There is a schedule overlapping the request. Schedule for:[2018-04-20 9:00:00 AM] 
     to [2018-04-20 5:00:00 PM] . The Absence request was inserted. There is a schedule 
     overlapping the request. Schedule for:[2018-04-22 4:00:00 PM] to [2018-04-22 8:00:00 PM] . 
     The Absence request was inserted. 
  <absence absenceID="750125"> 
     <requestFrom>2018-04-20 9:00:00 AM</requestFrom> 
     <requestTo>2018-04-20 4:45:00 PM</requestTo>
  <absence absenceID="750126"> 
    <requestFrom>2018-04-21 9:00:00 AM</requestFrom> 
    <requestTo>2018-04-21 4:45:00 PM</requestTo>
  <absence absenceID="750127"> 
    <requestFrom>2018-04-22 9:00:00 AM</requestFrom> 
    <requestTo>2018-04-22 4:45:00 PM</requestTo> 



Used for the following modules: begin, end, break or meal.
A watchdog event is used to insert additional information when a request was not successful. For example, if the employee is late the response will contain 0 within the <success> tag and will also contain a <watchdog> tag. The tag will list the available reasons the employee can be late. You must resend the initial request with a reason ID. An example of a failed ENTRY:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<message>You are 107 minutes late</message>
  <message>Select a reason</message>
    <reason ID="2233">Accident de route</reason>
    <reason ID="153">Car problems</reason>
    <reason ID="157">Computer issues</reason>
    <reason ID="1482">Default reason code</reason>
    <reason ID="159">Finished early</reason>
    <reason ID="154">Not feeling well</reason>
    <reason ID="156">Other (Please explain)</reason>
    <reason ID="1983">Personal emergency</reason>
    <reason ID="2231">Rendez-vous chez le medecin</reason>
    <reason ID="158">Traffic</reason>
    <reason ID="2232">Urgence</reason>
    <reason ID="155">Weather</reason>

Another request must be sent which includes the selected ‘reason’.

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee code}&p=
{password}&Year=2018&Month=6&Day=10& Hour=12&Minute=0&Second=2&reason={reason ID}

The response then will be successful and on time.

File Attachment

Used for the following modules: begin, end, break or meal.

This in an optional parameter used to send a photo when the employee is punching in. The file must be uploaded to our S3 repository (ask for details) and the filename needs to be sent as a parameter.

The request should look like below (explained below for each action as well):

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee code}&p={password}&Year
=2018&Month=6&Day=10& Hour=12&Minute=0&Second=2&file=

Geo Location

Used for the following modules: begin, end, break or meal.

This in an optional parameter used to send the latitude and longitude at the time of the punch.

The request should look like below (explained below for each action as well):

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee 
Hour=12&Minute=0&Second=2 &lat=43.697772&lng=-115.685849

Access Restrictions

Used for the following modules: begin, end, break or meal.

All punch actions can be locked by an IP address or cookie. Cookie support is only used with a browser. If the company is setup to use IP and the calling location is not a registered IP, you will receive the following response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
     Failure to authenticate. Password to access the application is incorrect Or IP is not Valid -

In some cases, the calling location can not be from a registered IP – an example would be a mobile user. In this case, the password of an administrator needs to be passed into the query. This allows the system to authenticate the mobile user is valid.

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee code}&p=
{passowrd}&Year=2018&Month=6&Day=10& Hour=12&Minute=0&Second=
2&pws={password of an administrator}


SSO (Single Sign On) allows your users to connect directly to our system without having to log in
again. The URL to connect to will be based on your client’s data center (ie. CA, US, etc) – please
contact us to confirm.

As an example, you may have:

You must pass in the following attributes

  • appID – provided to you by us
  • c – unique company ID for each client site
  • userEmail – the email of the user
  • Year – Current year
  • Month – Current month
  • Day – Current day
  • Hour – Current hour
  • Minute – Current minute
  • Hash (MD5 of ‘CompanyID + userEmail + APIkey + year + month + day + hour + minute’)

A complete request will look like this:{App ID}&c={Company ID}&userEmail={email}&Hash={Hash}


To retrieve your company´s information.


Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • Employee list shows only those employees authorized to have shifts and perform punches; begin, end, break and meal.
  • Company name
  • Logo URL (provided ahead of time)
  • List of employees (data such as name, employee code, etc).
  • bCrypt Salt Hash which is necessary to build passwords.

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=verify

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
		<name>Bob Robertson</name>
		<name>Jane Johnson</name>
		<name>Bill Smith</name>
	<branding logo="https://url_to_logo/MainLogo.png">Your Company Here</branding>


To record an employee’s beginning of shift.
Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: employee code
  • p: employee´s encrypted password
  • Year: valid year in YYYY format
  • Month: valid month [1-12] in MM format
  • Day: valid day [1-30;31] in DD format
  • Hour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format
  • Minute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format
  • Second: valid second [0-59] in SS format



  • file: filename of the photo (text)
  • lat: latitude (long)
  • lng: longitude (long)
  • ip: client IP (text)
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not.

Example request:

/?appid={App ID }&c={Company ID}&module=begin&u={employee code}&p=

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
	<message>Your action has been recorded successfully. You have 12 unread message(s) in your Inbox.</message>


To record an employee´s end of shift.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: employee code
  • p: employee´s encrypted password
  • Year: valid year in YYYY format
  • Month: valid month [1-12] in MM format
  • Day: valid day [1-30;31] in DD format
  • Hour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format
  • Minute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format
  • Second: valid second [0-59] in SS format



  • file: filename of the photo (text)
  • lat: latitude (long)
  • lng: longitude (long)
  • ip: client IP (text)
  • Assumes the employee has started a shift and is not currently on a break nor a meal.
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not.

Example request: when is too early to leave.

/?appid={App ID }&c={Company ID}&module=end&u={employee code}&p=

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
	<message>It is too early for you to EXIT</message>
		<message>Select a reason.</message>
			<reason ID="2233">Accident de route</reason>
			<reason ID="153">Car problems</reason>
			<reason ID="157">Computer issues</reason>
			<reason ID="1482">Default reason code</reason>
			<reason ID="159">Finished early</reason>
			<reason ID="154">Not feeling well</reason>
			<reason ID="156">Other (Please explain)</reason>
			<reason ID="1983">Personal emergency</reason>
			<reason ID="2231">Rendez-vous chez le medecin</reason>
			<reason ID="158">Traffic</reason>

Since the request was not successful and a watchdog event was triggered. We need to send the same request again with the extra parameter REASON ID enclosed in the tag.
Example request:

/?appid={App ID }&c={Company ID}&module=end&u={employee code}&p=
{password}&Year=2018&Month=4&Day=22&Hour=19&Minute=05&Second=25&reason={reason ID}

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
	<message>Your action has been recorded successfully.</message>


Records beginning or end of an employee´s break.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: employee code
  • p: employee´s encrypted password
  • Year: valid year in YYYY format
  • Month: valid month [1-12] in MM format
  • Day: valid day [1-30;31] in DD format
  • Hour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format
  • Minute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format
  • Second: valid second [0-59] in SS format



  • file: filename of the photo (text)
  • lat: latitude (long)
  • lng: longitude (long)
  • ip: Client IP (text)

  • Assumes the employee has started a shift, is not currently on a meal and the shift hasn´t ended.
  • If the employee has already recorded a “begin break”, then an “end break” will be recorded.
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not.

Example request: Break (begin) when going out for a break.

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=break&u={employee code}&p={password}&Year=2018&Month=4&Day=22&Hour=18&Minute=15&Second=09

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <message>Have a great break. You need to be back in 15 minutes. That means punch back by 18:30 PM</message> 

The response was successful.


Example request: Break (end) when getting back late from a break.

/?appid={App  ID}&c={Company ID}&module=break&u={employee code}&p={employee code}&Year=2018&Month=4&Day=22&Hour=18&Minute=58&Second=09

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <message>You are 15 minutes late</message> 
    <message>Select a reason.</message> 
      <reason ID="2233">Accident de route</reason> 
      <reason ID="153">Car problems</reason> 
      <reason ID="157">Computer issues</reason> 
      <reason ID="1482">Default reason code</reason> 
      <reason ID="159">Finished early</reason> 
      <reason ID="154">Not feeling well</reason> 
      <reason ID="156">Other (Please explain)</reason> 
      <reason ID="1983">Personal emergency</reason> 
      <reason ID="2231">Rendez-vous chez le medecin</reason> 
      <reason ID="158">Traffic</reason> 
      <reason ID="155">Weather</reason> 

Since the request was not successful and a watchdog event was triggered. We need to send the same request again with the extra parameter REASON ID enclosed in the <watchdog> tag. 

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=break&u={employee code}&p={password}&Year=2018&Month=4&Day=22&Hour=18&Minute=58&Second=09&reason={reason ID}

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> <response> <success>1</success> <ontime>1</ontime> <message>Your action has been recorded successfully.</message> </response>


Records beginning or ending of employee´s meal.


Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: employee code
  • p: employee´s encrypted password
  • Year: valid year in YYYY format
  • Month: valid month [1-12] in MM format
  • Day: valid day [1-30;31] in DD format
  • Hour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format
  • Minute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format
  • Second: valid second [0-59] in SS format



  • file: filename of the photo (text)
  • lat: latitude (long)
  • lng: longitude (long)

  • ip: client IP (text)

  • Assumes the employee has started a shift, is not currently on a break  and the shift hasn´t ended.
  • If the employee has already recorded a “begin meal”, then an “end meal” will be recorded.
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was success or not.


Example request: When the shift length doesn´t allow to take Meals.

/?appid={App  ID}&c={Company  ID}&module=meal&u={employee code}&p=

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
	<message>This action cannot be done. Your schedule does not allow any MEALS</message>


Retrieve a list of active schedules for the given employee in a period of time.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • endDate: End of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • Only published schedules will be returned
  • A list of schedules and details on each

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=schedule_list&u=
{employee code}&StartDate=2018-06-01&EndDate=2018-06-30

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
    <schedule date="2016-6-1">
      <time>7:00 AM-2:00 PM</time>
      <type>Regular Hours</type>
      <roleBelong>Cash Balancing</roleBelong>
    <schedule date="2016-6-2">
      <time>7:00 AM-2:00 PM</time>
      <type>Regular Hours</type>
      <roleBelong>Cash Balancing</roleBelong>


Retrieve a list of all active roles in the company.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • A list of roles and details of each

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=role_list


<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<role roleID="15">
  <roleName>Business Owner</roleName>
<role roleID="2">
  <roleName>Store Manager</roleName>


Retrieve a list of all active status in the company.


Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • A list of status and details of each

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=status_list


<?xml version=”1.0”?>
		<status statusID="73">
		<status statusID="78">
			<statusName>Leave Of Absence</statusName>
		<status statusID="75">
			<statusName>Long Term Disability</statusName>
		<status statusID="76">
			<statusName>Maternity Leave</statusName>
		<status statusID="1301">
		<status statusID="77">
			<statusName>Short Term Disability</statusName>
		<status statusID="1277">


Retrieve a list of all active departments in the company.


Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • A list of departments and details of each

Example request:


Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
    <department departmentID="2002">
    <department departmentID="1">
      <departmentName>Automotive Parts</departmentName>


Retrieve a list of all active employees in the company.


Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • Returns all employees including those who will not perform punch actions.
  • A list of employees and details of each


Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=employee_list

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
      <internalStatusName>No longer employed</internalStatusName>
      <street>119 Moore Avenue</street>
      <postalCode>N5H 2Z8</postalCode>
      <internalStatusName>No longer employed</internalStatusName>
      <street>49300 Lyons Line, RR #2</street>
      <postalCode>N0L 2J0</postalCode>
      <terminationDate>2015-08-28 5:37:49 PM</terminationDate>


Retrieve the details for the given employee.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • Details of the employee

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=employee_details&u={employee code}

Example response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
    <street>270 Caverly Road</street>
    <postalCode>N5H 2V3</postalCode>


Update information for the given employee.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve 
  • eName: Name to be used. In text format
  • eLastName: Last Name to be used. In text format
  • eEmail: Valid e-mail address to be used. In text format
  • roleID: ID referring the role
  • If the role does not exist, it will be created at the lowest level
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=employee_update&u={employee code}&eRoleName=ManagerTest
<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
    <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 


Modify the status for the given employee.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • statusID: ID referring the status.
  • If the role does not exist, it will be created at the lowest level
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was success or notExample request:

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=employee_status_change&u={employee code}&statusID={status ID}

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
    <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 


Retrieve a list of unread messages for the given employee.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=message_list&u={employee code}

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
    <ontime>1</ontime> <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 


Mark a message as read.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve
  • MessageID: Message ID to mark as read
  • A message explaining how to proceed if the request was successful or not

Example request:

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=messages_mark_read&MessageID={message ID}

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
    <ontime>1</ontime> <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 


To get a list of all payroll details for a given period of time.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • endDate: End of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • Details will be granted according to the configuration for this company.
  • A list of payrolls and details on each.

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=payroll_list&StartDate=2018-04-08&EndDate=2018-04-14

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
      <period>April 8, 2018-April 14, 2018</period> 
      <employeeData> <employeeName>Anne robinson</employeeName> 
      <primaryDepartment>Automotive Service</primaryDepartment> 
      </employeeData> <employeeData> 
      <employeeName>Sam Smith</employeeName> 


To get a list of all payroll details for a given period of time.

  • Parameters
Notes Returns
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • endDate: End of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • A list of absences and details on each

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=absence_list&startDate=2018-4-5&endDate=2018-4-15

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <absence absenceID="738815"> 
    <employeeName>Chester field</employeeName> 
    <requestDateTime>2018-04-04 11:06:11 AM</requestDateTime> 
    <requestTo>2018-04-12 11:59:59 PM</requestTo> 
    <requestType>Family Emergency</requestType> 
    <comment>Test please ignore</comment> 
  <absence absenceID="738816"> 
    <employeeName>Christian P</employeeName> 
    <requestDateTime>2018-04-04 11:07:15 AM</requestDateTime> 
    <requestTo>2018-04-12 11:59:59 PM</requestTo> 
    <requestType>Family Emergency</requestType> 
    <comment>Commets go here.</comment> 


Retrieve a list of absence types in the company.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • None
  • A list of absence types and the details of each

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=absence_request_type_list

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="71"> 
    <name>Family Emergency</name> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="72"> 
    <name>Medical Appointment</name> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="73"> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="1294"> 
    <name>Short Term Disability</name> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="69"> 
    <name>Sick Day</name> 
  <absenceRequestType absenceRequestTypeID="70"> 
    <name>Vacation Day</name> 


To insert an absence for a given employee in a given date/time.


    • A list of absence types and the details of each
  • u: Employee code for the employee you want to retrieve 
  • absenceRequestTypeID: ID referring the absence type
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • sHour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format, the absence starts
  • sMinute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format, the absence starts
  • eHour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format, the absence ends
  • eMinute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format, the absence ends
  • Days: amount of days this absence should be repeated [1-21]

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=absence_insert&u={employee code}&absenceRequestTypeID=72&StartDate=2018-4-20&sHour=9&sMinute=0&eHour=16&eMinute=45&days=3

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 
     There is a schedule overlapping the request. Schedule for:[2018-04-20 9:00:00 AM] 
     to [2018-04-20 5:00:00 PM] . The Absence request was inserted. There is a schedule 
     overlapping the request. Schedule for:[2018-04-22 4:00:00 PM] to [2018-04-22 8:00:00 PM] . 
     The Absence request was inserted. 
  <absence absenceID="750125"> 
     <requestFrom>2018-04-20 9:00:00 AM</requestFrom> 
     <requestTo>2018-04-20 4:45:00 PM</requestTo>
  <absence absenceID="750126"> 
    <requestFrom>2018-04-21 9:00:00 AM</requestFrom> 
    <requestTo>2018-04-21 4:45:00 PM</requestTo>
  <absence absenceID="750127"> 
    <requestFrom>2018-04-22 9:00:00 AM</requestFrom> 
    <requestTo>2018-04-22 4:45:00 PM</requestTo> 


Update an absence for a given absence ID. 

Parameters Notes Returns
  • absenceID: Absence ID to be modified
  • absenceRequestTypeID: ID referring the absence type
  • startDate: Start of the period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e. 2016-08-01)
  • sHour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format, the absence starts
  • sMinute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format, the absence starts
  • eHour: valid hour [0-23] in HH format, the absence ends
  • eMinute: valid minute [0-59] in NN format, the absence ends
  • There is no conflict if a schedule overlaps the request
  • If another absence overlaps this request then the request will not be added
  • Only the parameters to be modified need to be sent
  • A message explaining if the request was successful or not
  • Details on the edited absence
  • an alert in case there was an overlapping

Example request: 

/?appid={App ID}&c={Company ID}&module=absence_update&absenceID={absence ID}&absenceRequestTypeID={ absenceRequestTypeID}

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 
    <absence absenceID="750125"> 
      <requestTo>2018-04-20 4:45:00 PM</requestTo> 


Delete an absence for a given absence ID.

Parameters Notes Returns
  • absenceID: Absence ID to be deleted
  • A message explaining if the request was successful or not.

Example request: 

?appid={App ID}&c={CompanyID}&module=absence_delete&absenceID={absence ID}

Example Response:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> 
  <message>Your action has been recorded successfully</message> 