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How to Build Customer Trust in Retail

How to Build Customer Trust in Retail

“Trust blossoms when companies prioritize it, develop strategies to build it, track metrics that can show them when and where to change course and then consistently apply those learnings over not just days and weeks but years and decades.” – Hayden Harrison....
What Are The Different Types of Shopping Behavior?

What Are The Different Types of Shopping Behavior?

The more brand builders understand about the thought processes, emotions, environmental and motivational factors that influence buying decisions, the better positioned they are to influence those decisions. – Stephen Houraghan.   In order to increase sales...
What is Employee Risk-Taking in Organizations?

What is Employee Risk-Taking in Organizations?

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg.  The concept of employee risk-taking stands out as a catalyst for...
What is Employee-Centric Leadership? Why is it Trending?

What is Employee-Centric Leadership? Why is it Trending?

“Employees who strongly feel connected to their organization’s culture are 3.7 times more likely to be engaged at work, 68% less likely to feel burned out and 55% less likely to seek another job.” – Gallup Research.   Grounded in the belief that the welfare...
Why Does HR Need A Strategic Vision?

Why Does HR Need A Strategic Vision?

“A vision is the embodiment of our hopes and dreams in a particular area; the picture of what has not yet happened, but what the future may hold. In business, having a clear vision is absolutely critical. It is an extremely powerful tool to achieve the results you...