TimeWellScheduled System Status

July 22, 2024 – Punch App – iOS image upload issue fixed

We’ve addressed the issue and a new version is up in the app store. Please download it to resolve the issue.

Categories Service Issues
July 19, 2024 – Punch App – iOS image upload issue

We have noticed that the iOS punch app has an issue uploading images. We have found the issue and are uploading a new version to…
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Categories Service Issues
June 26, 2024 – Issue Resolved

We found the issue and fixed the error. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Categories Service Issues
Jun 26, 2024 – Service Issue reported

We have reports of the site not loading. We are investigating.

Categories Service Issues
Review of Monday’s incident

Our team has reviewed the incident on Monday and found 3 areas that caused issues server specific hardware issues code changes using too much resources…
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