Results for "data"

Machine Learning: How is it Affecting Retailers?

Machine Learning: How is it Affecting Retailers?

“Machine learning offers benefits like fraud prevention, improved delivery, price optimization, and customized offers. Chatbots and virtual fitting rooms provide a more convenient option to the customers. This is all about customer service, the level of which is...

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A Guide to Managing By Principles in Retail

A Guide to Managing By Principles in Retail

"Principles are the missing middle layer in most organizations— one that tells people how to make decisions that advance the purpose, put values into practice, and move the organization toward its goals." - Mark Bonchek.   Managing by principles in retail...

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HR Trends for 2024: What to Expect

HR Trends for 2024: What to Expect

“2024 has the potential to be a year of essential progress in the workplace evolution – where we learn from lessons learned in previous years and tune into the requirements of organizations and employees to create truly impactful and engaging employee experiences.” -...

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What is Online Time Theft? How Can it be Prevented?

What is Online Time Theft? How Can it be Prevented?

“Working life changed for millions of Canadians in 2020, when the pandemic forced organizations to send people home in a hurry.  Outside of the confines of traditional offices, employers may now find themselves tracking how employees spend their paid time.” - Tijana...

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Guide to Ethics in Social Media Marketing

Guide to Ethics in Social Media Marketing

"Deceiving customers to achieve financial gain is ethically wrong. On the other hand, establishing trust through honest interactions is an ethical gain, and is more likely to lead you to financial gain as well." - Michael White.   Ethical marketing practices are...

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